20th century women
What a delightful enchanting film. Oh I wish I had been brought up by Annette Benning in a house of eccentrics. So many good films this season meant Benning missed out on an Oscar nomination and its a shame as she is mesmeric as the role of a liberal mum, sounds morals but whimsical style of parenting. Gerwig seemed to be moving on form her usual ditzy characters as she finds fragility In her character, a character that could have become a weepie of the week type character. Elle Fanning, a betwitching little minx, bordering of childhood adolescense and early adulthood. Crudrup a metrosexual male figure and the teenage child – wow. We need the Oscars for child performance back. He matches Benning word for word. This is a film NOT to miss and Mike Mills I look forward to the next film, as after Beginners and 20th Century women I CANT WAIT
x 4.5/5 |